Friday, November 21, 2008

Well we've sure had a fun past few weeks! Rodney's sister, Andrea, married Ryan on Nov 8th. It was nice to be with family again and their wedding was great! Rodney was a goroomsman and looked so handsome in his tux! :) We did bring the dogs with us again but they were kind of naughty this time- they were into everything! Trash, kids toys, and Samson even managed to get into a baggie with Halloween candy and ate a bag of mini M&M's. I immediately got on the internet to see what to do if he got sick. Turns out that little amount probably wouldn't hurt him and he was fine. Bad dogs though! It was back to normal at home after the trip. We had our 12 week ultrasound on Nov 17th. Baby was sleeping at first but then they woke it up and we could see it bouncing around and moving its arms and legs- very cool! Everything looked great they said. The picture here isn't very good- none of the ones we got were- but you can kind of see the outline of the head and feet, and the spine and some insides glowing. It seems to have a pinnochio-esque nose at the moment, I'm just guessing that's what it is though. Hope it goes away! :) I have my regular doctor's appointment this Monday.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween fun

Well, I may not have a two legged child to dress up yet, but I still have my 4 legged ones! :) Samson enjoys his outfits we put him in, but Dee Dee seems to become paralyzed when we put something on her. She literally stays in the same place she is when I put the clothes on her until I pick up her back legs and give her a little shove to move! Unfortunately, they spent most of Halloween night in their crates. Having them bark and and trying to keep them inside when trick-or-treaters come by is just to hard to handle.

In other news this week...Rodney finished his Masters! Yay! The whole freedom from homework is still sinking in. But it was nice to go to Target last night without having to rush home to finish homework! It will be especially nice this weekend not to have to worry about it when we're in Vegas for Rodney's sister, Andrea's, wedding.

Baby news...we got another ultrasound on the 27th. The doctor just wanted to hear the heartbeat this time- it was going strong at about 170 bmp he said. I have another routine ultrasound on the 17th to check for things like spina bifida or down syndrome and then a doctor appointment on the 24th.

I hope everyone is doing well! Remember, if you would automatically be updated when we post something new there is a link on this page so you can subscribe to our blog.