Wednesday, February 24, 2010

9 Months Old!

Such a happy boy!
The next fabulous new toy- measuring cups!

This is what Colin looks like while he's "dancing". He'll look up and shake his head and body around a little bit.

We love how his hair has grown! And those big brown eyes! :)

Well this is backwards. Start at the last picture and this is a good look at his rolling technique right now.

Nothing new to report really, just some pictures taken 2/23 when Colin turned 9 months old. We went to the doctor today for his check up and he weighs 23 lbs. 14 oz. and is 31 inches long. He's a big boy, but perfectly healthy- praise God! He also seems to continue to work on getting 4 new teeth- the two top front ones and two more on the bottom. He's also entered the phase where he cries when you leave him- even if he's rested, fed, and happy, if you leave he'll cry. Not all the time, but it's a sad thing to see! But, you get him involved in a toy and he's better. So, another milestone passes and we march on toward that 1 year mark!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Just a few pictures...

Colin in his new carseat. Not in the car yet, but will be soon I'm sure!
You would have thought it was Christmas when I gave Colin plastic cups to play with. Yes, he's in shorts. I wanted him to get to wear this 12 month outfit before he grew out of it. Don't worry, it was about 75 and sunny this day.

Grandma Angie gave Colin this hat. Finally he has one of his own after envying those of Grandpa Crowder, Uncle Ryan and Uncle Tommy!

...mostly for Grandma Crowder! (Hi, Mom!) These are a few pictures of Colin from this week. He's working on getting his top teeth in and I think maybe more on the bottom too. Church tomorrow and bunco for me tomorrow night! Yay!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Las Vegas

Back home and doing laundry. Colin wanted to be near me so this was the best solution.
Uncle Mike and Colin.

Colin and Addison at Cami's watching the Super Bowl. I think we may have to invest in a bean bag!

With cousin Bella

Playing Friday morning watching Addy. They did eventually share these toys!

Poor Addy- she had a couple "explosions" and got a few sink baths at Grandma's!

Uncle Tommy has Colin's favorite- a hat

TJ and Grandma

A few new things for Colin- the blinds...

holding his bottle....

pulling down the basket and taking out all his toys...

waking up sideways and using the bumper as a footrest/chew toy.

Look what we picked up at Wal-Mart- he was a "super buy"! (Sticker off of loaf of bread)

We had a wonderful time in Las Vegas! We love our trips to visit the family and friends up there. This was our longest trip so far, and we look forward to many more! Colin did great on the car ride and adjusted very quickly like usual to the less familiar faces and places. We mostly spent time with the family and went to local places, but we also went to the strip for the first time since we moved. It was fun to go there and it has changed! City Center is the newest development and it has put huge towers right at the strip. Most of the hotel/casinos have something like a lake or feature in front with their hotel towers farther away. City Center made it feel like New York- up close and personal! The best times were with family and friends. We got to meet our new nephew, TJ. He's another big boy for the family! We watched Addison for Andrea on Friday morning and it was so fun to see her and Colin playing together on the floor! She's all girl- little noises and petiete movements! Such a sweetie! We hope to go up again soon, and then of course for the big family get-together in July!