Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Merry Christmas!

A sit 'n spin from Granndma and Grandpa! He'll get the hang of it someday!
Getting hats on to go get the mail

Christmas dinner

Getting the mail with Grandpa

The centerpiece I made for our table

So happy with his balloon and a sock monkey!

Some people thought it was really weird that we got our BOY a kitchen. He loves it! All the things to open and put away and stir...just what he's into right now!

Who needs toys when you have Grandpa to push you around in a box?

Look out! Rodney got a saw!

A cool tricycle from Grandpa Danny and Grandma Angie- it's awesome!

All cuddled up in the blanket Grandma made

Checking out what's in the stocking

This must be a good gift- worth standing on!

We hope you and your families enjoyed a very Merry Christmas! Christmas here was great. A very quiet, peaceful day with just my Mom and Dad and us. We had yummy food, cookies, and a lot of playing with new toys! Rodney loved having the day off and the rest that he got after working so hard at the store this Christmas season. It was a lot of fun to see Christmas through Colin's eyes this year. You could see how excited he was about each thing- even standing on top of all the boxes! He even started playing with the kitchen that we got him before breakfast so it must have been a hit- playing before food does not happen in our house! The best part of course was just being together for the day. Enjoy the pictures!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Phoenix Children's Museum

A wrench xylophone- how cool!
Playing with "water" in the kitchen

Scooping beans in the grocery store

A peg puzzle and a stamp picture Colin made.

A light table with sand. Colin loved this!

Our church playgroup was going to the Phoenix Children's Museum on Thursday. Unfortunately, Colin and I were the only ones who could make it! Oh well, we had a great time discovering this fun place! They have a huge climbing tree, pretend areas, art, and he even got to participate in a theater performance just for babies under 2! We'll have to go again sometime with Daddy!

Monday, December 6, 2010


The only animal we saw at the zoo- ducks by the pond. Oh, they did have camel rides and you could pet sting rays in the pool. I'm sure the rest of the animals hate December because of ZooLights. Especially the stupid teenagers who were yelling for the coyotes to come out.

Nothing says "Happy Holidays" like a scorpion and spider made of lights!

Christmas in Arizona (at the zoo anyway!)

A big truck too! Thanks Aunt Andrea, Uncle Ryan, Addison and Bella!

Ooh! Something Colin's allowed to hit!

Standing on the box was just as fun as unwrapping it.

No, we did NOT put Addy in DeeDee's crate! She went in there on her own! She thought it was so funny to do that. She loved the dogs too!

Addy LOVED the train! Unfortunately, it doesn't have an off button or a volume control! I guess Colin's showing her how it can make even more noise!

It is December already! I hope everyone is enjoying their preparations for Christmas! We are having fun here. We decorated the house (after Colin went to bed) and loved reminiscing over each ornament on the tree. We are also continuing our new tradition of reading devotions after dinner. Now they have turned to Advent devotions and we love lighting the candles each night! We had a great weekend with Rodney's sister, Andrea and her daughter Addison who came down for a few days. Addy is 16 months old so we had two toddlers in the house! Craziness! We even got to do a little mini Christmas gift exchange with them to let the babies get a preview of Christmas morning. It was such a great visit! We did some shopping and visiting, and even got to go to ZooLights at the Phoenix Zoo! The babies were tired, but they were troopers. I hope they can come visit again sometime. It was a lot of fun to see Addy and Colin together. They got very attached- holding hands, giving sippy cups to each other, and Addy even cried one time because we took her out of the shopping cart first, leaving Colin behind! Oh the fuss! Colin was soon in the carseat next to her and all was well. We took quite a few pictures- so enjoy!