Tuesday, September 6, 2011

End of Summer

Trying on fall clothes he'll be able to wear in a few months. What size? 4T top and 3T bottom! They're not that big!! Reminder- Colin is 27 months old!!!
Boxes are still always fun.
Look who's eating at the table! This "booster seat" is a fabric cover a friend at church makes. It works great!

Snack time!
Well, Labor Day has come and gone, so now it's "fall", right? Well, some of you may be having fall- cooler temperatures, school starting, etc...but not here yet! We were all excited that it was only 104 yesterday! Oh well, that's life here in Arizona. We'll be able to at least wear pants in a couple months! ;) Not too much happening here with the family- just life as usual! Rodney's working hard, of course. His project at work this morning- putting up the Christmas card display! On September 6!!! It has to start sometime, right? We're very excited that Rodney has hired a new assistant manager and she will be starting in a couple of weeks. Rodney will get the much needed help he needs for the store right before the busy holiday season. He is busy at church as well, helping with sound, AV, spiritual leadership team, and even teaching Sunday school! He likes to get a break relaxing at home and playing Wii again lately.
I'm gearing up for a busy fall. MOPS begins this week, and growth groups (small group Bible study) starts next week. Thank goodness we get to go out of the house! I think Colin and I are both ready for some time apart! He'll get to go play with his friends at MOPS twice a month and I'll be doing a women's growth group on Monday evenings. Rodney and I are also doing a family Bible study on Saturday nights. It's going to be great having places to go again! It's been so hot Colin and I are cooped up in the house a lot and there aren't too many summer activities. It will be a great fall filled with lots of fun!
At this very moment I have the littlest member of our family on my lap. Colin was just telling me I had a hat (I don't) and then proceeded to mess up my hair in front of my eyes- a new favorite activity for him. "Hat" is one of his new favorite words, as are the 20+ letters of the alphabet he knows! Everywhere we go he's reading signs and things- "Y-M-C-A", "F-A-M-I-L-Y", "S-U-M-M-I-T". Letters that give him trouble are ones like G, K, and R. His other favorite has been magnets. He has his own assortment that he plays with on the fridge. He has been doing great in the nursery on Sundays, even when he has to go for both services when we're volunteering. Hopefully he keeps that good behavior up in MOPS this week! We just had a great visit with Rodney's sister and her family who came for Labor Day weekend. Colin had so much fun with his cousins, Addison and Bella. Colin always loves older kids so he loved playing with Bella (5) the most. He would hold her hand everywhere and laugh at her and try to wrestle with her (not so much fun for Bella!) All three held hands out to the car one day and there were hugs and "bye's" all around. It was so cute, but no camera around! Bummer! Oh well, we can remember all those sweet moments.