Monday, May 28, 2012

Colin is 3!

 Plenty of Toy Story decorations!
 Singing Happy Birthday
 Colin had to wake me up to open Buzz!  It was 7 am and he had already eaten breakfast and just couldn't wait anymore!
 All smiles!

 He loves his Buzz!
 But, he still likes to play with his old toys- like legos...
 And playdough!
On our way to Vegas!

Our big boy is now 3 years old!  We can't believe it was just a short time ago that he entered our lives.  What joy he gives us every day!  Colin had two birthday celebrations- one in Las Vegas at Grandpa Danny and Grandma Angie's house with all his cousins, and a very small party here at home with just us.  We had a nice little trip to Las Vegas earlier in May.  We loved getting to be with our family and Colin liked playing with his cousins.  We also got to go swimming for the first time this year in the neighbor's pool!  We spent Colin's birthday on the 23rd just with our little family.  His present was waiting for him when he woke up- Buzz Lightyear!  We ran errands in the morning, including getting Colin a balloon at the grocery store.  After naptime Colin got to eat his rocket cake.  He's not a fan of icing apparently, but he took a few bites.  That night we had a VBS fundraiser- roller skating!  Colin went around twice with his legs slipping out from underneath him most of the time, but he liked it!  Thanks everyone for the cards, birthday wishes and love sent to our big boy!