Monday, August 24, 2009

Colin's First Trip

Grandma Angie and Colin at the computer
Cousins! Addison and Colin- just a little size difference!

Aunt Lizzy!

Sweet little girl!

Meeting Addison

Colin's first trip was fabulous! We went to visit Rodney's family in Las Vegas- especially to see our new niece, Addison Faith Baxter! She was born Aug. 8 weighing 7 lbs. 3 oz and 19 1/2 in. to Rodney's sister Andrea and her husband Ryan. We couldn't wait to get up there and see her! She is so tiny and precious! It's amazing how quickly they change and we're sad that we won't get to see her again until January- she'll be completely different by then! We had such a great time just hanging out with all the family and the babies. We were excited too for the family to see Colin since some people hadn't met him yet, and because he's changed so much in the month since his baptism! Colin did so great on the trip too. Even though he hates his car seat, he didn't cry much until about the last hour before we got to Vegas. When we were up there he was so happy and did awesome on his naps and eating and everything- just like as if he was at home. We do have a big, growing boy on our hands though. I think he's going through a growth spurt. We just really started him wearing his 3-6 month clothes last week and most of them are already too short or tight! Oh well... We did go to the Carter's outlet store with Andrea and Ryan to get some clothes for the babies- smaller clothes for Addison and bigger ones for Colin! On the way home yesterday Colin must have been pooped because he slept most of the way home. He did really good! Today it's back to normal. Rodney leaves tomorrow for a work trip for San Diego just for one night, so that will be a little different. In a couple weeks we try out travel by plane for our trip to Missouri. I hope Colin's as good on that trip as he was on this one!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Just hanging out

We have fun here everyday...
What's up dude?!

Helping mommy put away the laundry

Hanging with his friends- the penguin and alligator

We end the night with a little wrist rattle action

We stay busy here at the Verner household! The little guy is taking the last nap of the day and we're waiting for Rodney to come home from work. We try to stay busy during the day- playing, laughing, singing, some crying of course, and Colin likes to watch while I do dishes or cook dinner. I had a whole audience last night- Colin and both dogs watching me in the kitchen! Most days the time passes quickly. These days where Rodney works 9-9 get a little long, but that's just because we want to share things with him! Colin's going to go on his first trip next week- to Las Vegas! That's right, our niece Addison has arrived! She was born on Saturday. We can't wait to go meet her and see the rest of the family!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Smiley Boy

We were finally able to catch a few smiles on the camera! We also fixed our camera too, sorry about all the out of focus pics. Colin is getting so big, he smiles and coos more and more every day. His neck is also getting stronger and is able to hold his head up longer. Headed to Vegas soon to see our new niece, Addison, whenever she decides to join the rest of us in the world, and then in September Colin will be taking his first trip to St. Louis!