Tuesday, March 29, 2011

22 Months

I made some home made jello playdough for Colin this morning. He loved it! It's safe if he eats it, but thankfully he didn't try it! He even did pretty good handling the big rolling pin.

On the 23rd Colin turned 22 months old. Rodney and I both agree that we're looking forward to just saying he's 2 instead of this whole month thing! But, those months make a big difference still! Our big boy is still around 30 lbs. and I measured him (as best I could using the tape measure which he just wanted to turn around and look at) and he's about 37 inches tall! He definately has his moments where we see those "terrible twos" very well, but he's also so sweet and likes to give out kisses and loves to crawl up in your lap to read a book. He loves climbing on things and jumping in place and exclaiming "DA!" (ta-da) when done.

He especially likes his stuffed giraffe right now- as well as stirring and feeding himself and us things from his play kitchen.

Colin is figuring out the sit 'n spin! (Sorry the video is so short- my battery ran out!)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sorry its been a while...

He may be gettig bigger, but he still fits in the basket!
My two sick boys :(

A recent favorite again- legos and animals

"Grocery shopping" at the Leid Children's Museum in Las Vegas

Addison and Colin and their purchases


One of Colin's favorites- bubbles!

giant shape sorter

Coloring on his Valentine's Day card from Grandma and Grandpa Crowder

Getting so big! These 18 month jeans are packed away now. The same ones he wore in our family pictures in September when they were new!

Oops! No update for a while! Oh well, not too much to report anyway! February started out with a trip to Las Vegas to visit Rodney's family. We love going up there and visiting with everyone. It is especially fun to see Colin playing with his other 1 year old cousins, Addison and TJ. Turns out, Colin needs to work on playing nicely with others. He's the bully! You get too close or he doesn't want you to have something and he shoves his playmates- usually in the face or neck! Not good, we'll work on that! Colin is almost 22 months old now and just keeps getting taller! Colin also had his second ear infection a couple of weeks ago. He never pulls on his ears or anything so we thought he just had a cold, but after not eating well and being really cranky and tired it was off to the doctor. He's back to his normal self now! With this nice warm weather we're having Colin loves to play outside. He is getting more brave at the playground and going up on the higher slides and climbing things. A few more phrases are creeping in as well. He will say "O" (hello), "oots" (00ps), uh-oh, "this is boon (balloon), ball, or book", "da!" (ta-da), bye, see ya later, and night night. He also has started counting, usually skipping two and going right to three. He is mimicking a lot as well, like pretending to eat things in his play kitchen and even shaking the pretend salt and pepper into the pots and stirring them.

Rodney and I are doing just fine. We both battled some early spring colds but all of us are better now. Rodney's working hard at the store and I've been working on garage sale prep. This weekend our MOPS group had a consignment sale and next weekend we're having a garage sale. A lot of cleaning and tagging going on here! We're looking forward to Easter coming up and for Colin to be more involved in things this year!