Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Our last Christmas with just the two of us was very nice. Mom and Dad came out to spend a couple of weeks with us which is always so nice to have family with us. Rodney had a good holiday season, but is glad it's over! Last week we had our detailed ultrasound and found out that baby Verner is a BOY! We are so excited! His name will be Colin Tevis. Everything looked perfectly normal on him and he was so active during the exam. So much so that they couldn't see all of the parts of his heart that they wanted to so I have to have another ultrasound on Feb. 23. It's so amazing- they can even see little white specs in his eye sockets that are the beginnings of his lenses which indicates that he doesn't have genetic cataracts! Just how those technicians learn to see all of that while looking at a wiggling baby in black and white is beyond us. They also estimated his weight to be about 12 oz. He's almost a pound already! I haven't felt him move yet (that I know of anyway) but I'm sure I will soon. Pants are getting even tighter so it's time for maternity clothes! I bought a few things and have worn them a couple of times. We have a busy schedule coming up- a trip to Missouri and probably two trips to Vegas! Other than that we're trying to schedule our birthing classes, register, and clean out the extra rooms to make room for Colin!

1 comment:

Donna Coppola said...

Hey Elizabeth and Rodney.....he's
absolutely amazing! I'm loving the snaps. You all look so very very happy! Congratulations again!! Love to all, D.