Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Meet Colin Tevis Verner!!

Now that Rodney is holding Colin and he's all fed and changed I thought I would share his birth story. Friday was my last day of work and I was having contractions at work, but not bad and about 10-12 minutes apart. By the time I got home I was having more, and through the night they started waking me up- mostly because they hurt so much in my back! Rodney went to work Sat. morning and I knew I wouldn't be doing what I had planned- going grocery shopping and getting a pedicure! By noon they were 5-8 minutes apart and my back was hurting so bad I called the hospital. They said what I already knew, that they should be a steady 5 min. apart before coming in. So they told me to take a bath or shower to relax. I took a shower and boy did that speed things up! Soon after I got out Rodney came home early (thanks to his employees who covered for him!) and he started writing down my times- 2-3 minutes apart and lasting for a minute! Time to go to the hospital!We checked into triage and were glad to hear our Dr. was already there delivering other babies. So they checked me and I was 7 cm! I can't believe I went that far without drugs! So we got admitted and by the time we got to our regular room the anistesiologist (sp?) was already there to give me my epidural. What a relief! After just a couple of hours we were all hooked up, on our way. The dr. did have to break my water still, and then gave me some pitocin to make my contractions regular again since getting the epidural. They checked me again and I was 9 1/2 cm so the nurse had me do a couple "practice pushes". Just two of those and she said stop! The baby was right there and she had to go get the dr! I didn't have to push long, but it was the worst feeling having to stop with him half out- ouch! So, just 5 hours after we walked in the hospital doors he was born. He came out crying even before he was all the way out. We are so blessed that he's completely healthy and strong and doing so well. He weighed in at 8lbs. 6oz. and 21 1/2 inches long! He has a full head of black hair, and is such a handsome little baby. Thanks everyone for your prayers and well wishes during this whole pregnancy and his birth. It means so much to all 3 of us!!

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