Monday, September 14, 2009

Just some pictures

Nothing too exciting going on here in the Verner household, but we have some good pictures of the boy! Colin's doing great- over 18 lbs (according to the wii fit!)- and he's smiling more, playing with a lot of toys, doing great on "tummy time" and he's even tolerating his car seat better. This week we'll try another new thing- flying. We're going to Missouri for two weeks! Enjoy the pictures! 9/13/09- Happy Boy!
Helping Mommy pack for Missouri

A hard sleeper- he didn't wake up when I took this!
(It looks like he needs bigger pj's too!)

Any takers?

A rattle from our friends in Germany, the Haussners. What a surprise that was!


Rachaellh said...

What great pictures! He is cute as can be and truly growing like a weed.

angie said...

Colin is so beautiful. You can really tell that he is a happy baby. You two are taking really good care of him. God bless you all. Mom Clutts