Thursday, January 21, 2010


Colin "dances" sometimes with Tad!

Nice face, Colin! Rodney's Aunt Linda was in town for business and we spent a great eveing with her! (Despite Colin's face!)

Crawling attempts usually end up more like swimming...

Trying so hard to get that body up to crawl!

He loves the stacking cups- he really does try to "drink" out of them!

Time with Grandma and Grandpa before bed.


The oh so popular hat. Colin stared and stared at Grandpa Crowder's hat. Of course this ended up in his mouth shortly after.

Chillin with Grandpa

After all the gifts were gone this was Dee Dee's favorite spot. She even tried to fluff it with her paws to make it more comfy!

Well, it's back to normal around here- Christmas decorations are down, cookies are gone, and so is our company. Mom and Dad sure were great to have here! They had a safe trip back home to the cold as well. Rodney's store is back to normal as well- steady business and getting a lot of things done. We're back to the same routines at home and things are going smoothly. Colin continues to grow- only longer it seems! He's trying to get up the gumption to crawl but at about 23 lbs that's a lot of weight for those little arms to lift! He'll get it eventually. He can also clap and shake his head no. The "no" is often done when I tell him no and he also laughs at me while he's doing it. Hopefully not a sign of things to come! We continue to go to playgroup at church, and we are excited to be starting our small group bible studies again on Tuesday nights and I'll start a Wednesday morning one in March. We also have "Summit Sisters" ladies night out once a month that I went to last week. A lot of fun, and I've been told next month we're playing bunco! Wohoo! :) In a couple of weeks we're going to Vegas to visit with Rodney's family. We can't wait! We'll be meeting our new nephew, TJ, for the first time. The 2009 cousin trifecta is complete! He's a chunker too so we'll see how him, Addy, and Colin look next to each other. We hope everyone is well and please, feel free to visit if you're near us!!

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