Friday, April 23, 2010

11 Months Old!

The pack 'n play is permanently in our living room now, just to keep Colin out of the way sometimes!
Colin is no longer allowed in the kitchen! He actually does a great job at stopping at the edge of the carpet and just watching me from there. And no, he didn't get the bottle of margarita out!

He loves his learning table! (Thanks Aunt Andrea and Uncle Ryan!) He is tall enough that he doesn't have to walk around to play with the other sides, he just leans over.

Another favorite- putting the bucket on his head!

Our Curious Colin

Happy boy listening to Al Roeker! He's just happy to be standing up there. He's only managed to turn the TV off once or twice.

11 months old!

A new stroller- something smaller and easier to get around

What a cutie! :)

Where has this whole year gone?? Colin is going to be one in just a month! I was at my doctor's office the other day and Colin's baby photo was on their bulletin board- it was hard to believe that was my baby! Colin is doing great! He's all over the house of course, but we're glad he's so mobile and able to explore. He stands up on anything he can and crawls all over, and really quickly! He has 7 teeth coming in (4 on bottom all the way out and 3 on top only half way out). He's doing better eating "real" food, mostly fruit pieces, Gerber puffs and crunchies. He's starting to use his front teeth to bite off portions of his food which is progress. He's all too quickly heading towards wearing 24 month clothes and wears size 4 or 5 shoes. Mostly because of his height. He doesn't say much, but babbles all the time. He does call both dogs Dee Dee, and occasionally says what sounds like Doggie. He can say Mama (mostly when he wants out of his crib) and he says Dada all the time. He does say Daddy when he's in the mood to do so. He does have a few bad habits- like head butting things he wants to show love to (us, the dogs, other kids) and biting- not out of meanness, but either uses it to steady himself or again to show love. He also points with his middle finger! Don't know why- just does! I'm trying to fix that. Rodney and I are the same- busy with church and work. We're so excited to have our families come next month for Colin's birthday. Something to look forward to!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Colin's first haircut

All done! Such a handsome boy!


Well, despite trying to wait until he was 1 for his first haircut, and trying to wait for Grandpa Crowder to go with us, we just couldn't wait. His hair was getting out of control! Big waves sticking out in the back and then every time he woke up he had hair sticking up two inches from his head! Sure looked like a little ragamuffin! So, to Cool Cuts 4 Kids we went today. Martha did a great job cutting, with us watching her every move. We couldn't miss every moment of this occasion! I did almost shed some tears when that first curl went! They even gave us a baggie of his first pieces of hair to keep and a certificate to hold a picture of his first haircut. Colin did a great job. His eye went right to the nametag Martha was wearing (since Daddy wears one too) and she let him play with it and he kept pretty still! So, his hair is much better, and laying down for once!

Happy Easter!

Easter outfit #2 (I can't help myself!)

We hope you all had a joyous Easter! Our day was quiet, but nice! Our church was great and we had over 450 people! Colin and I came home and took our Sunday nap while Rodney went to work to do some very necessary stocking of things for the upcoming Mother's Day/Confirmation/Graduation/Wedding season. We had a diversion from ham for Easter supper and had pot roast instead. We still had bunny cake of course! Colin enjoyed his Easter basket, especially the eggs which we just left empty. I thought I had found the perfect thing for him- a "Taggie" stuffed lion. (On clearance for $1.50!! I was happy! :)) He finds the tags on absolutely everything so I thought he would love it. Nope! Tossed it aside to play with the eggs. Oh well! We can't wait to be able to tell him all about the meaning of Easter and to hear him reply "He is risen indeed!" Other than Easter, we are doing just fine. Colin is moving (too) quickly from just a crawler to trying to stand up on his own. He tries to use his mouth to help in this process on the coffee table. Today he did manage to stand up in his pack and play! Scary! He'll be walking before we know it, and for the longest time we were wondering when he was going to crawl!