Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Vegas- Again

Addison wanted to sit in the chair too!
Colin lounging at home

He found Daddy's shirt in the laundry basket

Ready for church with his new shoes, and of course the box is just so fun to play with!

He does pretty well with a spoon

Playing with cousins Bella and Addison in the sprinklers at Grandma's

The birthday girl! Addison digging into her cake

Pretty girl!

Yes, we went to Las Vegas, again! We just can't stay away! :) We went this time to celebrate Addison's 1st birthday and to take a little R&R at the Encore Resort. We had a great time with Rodney's family. We got there Saturday morning - just in time for Addy's party. She had a lot of people there to love on her, but she didn't like it much at first! Another nap and she was a happy camper- just in time for cake and presents! Sunday we had a great time at Mike's where we finally got to see Don and Arlene again! They met Colin for the first time too. Colin did pretty well at someone else's house- even a bachelor pad with lots of sharp edges! ;) Monday we headed off to the Encore. We somehow were sent this great (legitimate) deal in the mail and we decided to take advantage of it. Colin actually spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa's Monday and Tuesday night. He did great! Rodney and I spent more time with Mike and Andrea and Ryan, and some time at the pool! We also got to see the Cirque du Soleil show "Le Reve" as well. It was awesome! We did sneak Colin in to stay with us Wednesday night, but I don't think anyone noticed. It was a great trip away, possibly perfect with a little time to ourselves and Colin getting to spend a lot of time with his extended family! Now we're home and back to normal. We're hanging out at home while Rodney's busy at work. I'm still coordinating playgroup for church, and I'll be in MOPS this year as well at another Lutheran church. Rodney is also on the Spiritual Leadership Team at church and will be leading a small group Bible study this fall. Busy, busy! Colin continues to grow and grow. We'll see next week how much taller he is, but he's now definitely tall enough to put toys on the kitchen counter and to push the water lever on the fridge! (Good thing that comes with a lock button!) So far no new words yet, but a LOT of jibber jabber. Like right now he went to the bathroom door and couldn't open it so I guess he came to tell me all about it. Someday that gibberish will be real words and we'll probably have to tell him to be quiet! Ok, time to go play blocks and Little People.

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