Saturday, December 12, 2009

December already?

Aww...winter pj's! (I couldn't get him to turn around!)

His favorite mode of transportation- rolling.

Um, Colin, you hit the pole!

How can it be December already!? Didn't I just have a baby??? Oh wait, that was 6 months ago! My, how time flies! Things are fine in the Verner household. Rodney's working very hard to have a great Christmas at the store. We're having fun at the house just doing normal things- I'm cleaning and Colin's teething. Yes, that first tooth is popping through! So far he hasn't been too cranky or anything. Colin is doing well. Still so big, but that's ok with us! He did have a stomach virus last week that really shocked us. I had a bag ready because I thought for sure we were going to end up in the hospital again because his temperature was 105! But, it went down pretty quickly and we just had to work on fluids and keeping that temp down. A few days later and he was back to normal. We spend a lot of time playng on the floor these days and Colin sits up for a long time and rolls around all over. Colin is copying noises a lot, including the animal sounds he hears when we play "Farmville" on facebook. As I'm writing this he is in his crib saying "mama". I don't know if he really is asking for me or if he's just babbling, but he says that a lot. If we tell him to say "Da-da" he will get the "a" part! Oh well, we'll keep working on that! We're getting in the Christmas spirit here. House decorations are up inside and we're looking foraward to Christmas so much! Mom and Dad will be here in less than two weeks as well. We can't wait!

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