Saturday, February 20, 2010

Just a few pictures...

Colin in his new carseat. Not in the car yet, but will be soon I'm sure!
You would have thought it was Christmas when I gave Colin plastic cups to play with. Yes, he's in shorts. I wanted him to get to wear this 12 month outfit before he grew out of it. Don't worry, it was about 75 and sunny this day.

Grandma Angie gave Colin this hat. Finally he has one of his own after envying those of Grandpa Crowder, Uncle Ryan and Uncle Tommy!

...mostly for Grandma Crowder! (Hi, Mom!) These are a few pictures of Colin from this week. He's working on getting his top teeth in and I think maybe more on the bottom too. Church tomorrow and bunco for me tomorrow night! Yay!

1 comment:

Hampers said...

Nice blog with nice picture of cutie enjoying the ride on car seat. He is really adorable. It was nice going through your blog.