Saturday, October 23, 2010

17 Months Old!

10/23- playing with his legos this morning
He crawled up on this tub on his own. Of course, I turned around and he promptly fell off head first and has a nice knot and bruise on his forehead.

After playgroup on Thursday Colin was so tired I got him out of the car, in the house, and laid him down here and made his lunch all while he stayed asleep! (This was before the head bump)

And he climbed in the cereal box.

His Halloween costume. This was a great find from our MOPS consignment sale for only $8!

Ah...the stool!

Our little baby has definately become a little boy. He's so into climbing and getting into anything he can. But, he's also being a big helper- trying to get things in the right container, he can throw things away in the trash, and he can follow some really simple directions. He loves to go use his step stool in the bathroom to brush his teeth. He of course is a "Curious George" and wants to get into drawers, get things out of the fridge, and look at everything we have. The weather has turned nice (finally!) and so we've been able to get outside and play or take a walk without sweating buckets. Enjoy the pictures!

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