Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

That football makes a nice seat too!

Enjoying his pumpkin pie

Reading black Friday ads with Grandpa

Trying on Daddy's slippers

A family at our church has been exceedingly generous with giving us some of their toys they are not using anymore- this play structure was one of them!

Playing a little Guitar Hero with Daddy

Colin did this all on his own- put the sippy cup in his bucket then lifted the bucket to get a drink out of his cup!

We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for, but we were especially thankful that Rodney's parents could come visit from Las Vegas this year. Colin warmed up to Grandma and Grandpa pretty quickly! We had a great day here- biscuits and gravy for breakfast and the big meal in the afternoon. Colin has a little cold so he was a little out of it, but he still enjoyed what he ate of his first solid food Thanksgiving dinner- cranberries (canned and homemade), a dinner roll, and pumpkin pie! For some reason he doesn't much like potatoes, green beans, and stuffing. I was surprised he didn't eat turkey, but that's ok. Rodney, Grandpa and Colin made a run to the grocery store this morning and came back with a nerf-like football! Colin loves it- especially to throw it in the house! (not good, says mommy!) We're going to do a little shopping tomorrow, hopefully get some good deals! We hope you had a great day with family and friends!
Colin is also 18 months old now! He's still jabbering all the time without saying much, but he can follow directions really well (when he wants to!) He said "shoes" today and is working on please. His stats from the doc- 35 1/4 inches and 29 pounds!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy Birthday, Rodney!

Reading with Colin before bed.

Checkerboard cake! It didn't end up as straight as it should because I used two different brands of cake mix- one was thicker than the other!

We celebrated Rodney's 33rd birthday yesterday. It was nice for him to have only a 9-5 day at work and then he came home to a dinner of quesadillas and then a checkerboard cake with mocha frosting! Colin colored on a card for daddy and he helped him open his present. Last year Colin was in the bumbo seat helping Rodney, this year Colin was in Rodney's lap helping him open it!

Family Photos

My sister-in-law took these photos of us when we were in Missouri in September. Thanks, Sarah! Look for one on our Christmas cards! Visit Sarah's website for more of her amazing work-