Sunday, November 15, 2009

November already?

Colin helping Daddy read his cards.

No, I want the ribbon! Sitting up!!
He can even turn around without falling over!

Dee Dee just had to come investigate the camera!

I can't believe it! It's November already! How did that happen?? We've been keeping busy in the Verner household. Rodney turned 32 on the 9th and we had a great day with family and friends. Colin helped Rodney open his present- mostly just by trying to eat the ribbon and wrapping paper! I've been busy at home taking care of Colin and making him baby food. The freezer is well stocked so far with acorn squash, butternut squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, apples, pears and bananas! I think he's good on food for a while! We do get out occasionally still. Colin is doing great. I think teething is coming soon, but the major accomplishment has been sitting up on his own. He still teeters over every so often but he's getting better! We are now in "holiday mode"- thinking of Thanksgiving and Christmas! We can't wait for Rodney's family to be here- just a week and a half before they come! Before we know it will be Christmas already. My how the time flies!

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