Monday, November 23, 2009

6 months old!

Happy after a bottle and ready for bed
11/23- 6 months old!

Super Frog!

Ready for church

I can't believe Colin is 6 months old! Half a year has already gone by since his arrival! Amazing. I thought Colin's 6 month appointment at the doctor was today, but it's Wednesday (oops!) so I'll have to post his height/weight stats later. But, according to our home measurements he's 28 1/2 inches long and weighs over 22 lbs. A big boy! He's doing great though- eating like a champ (peas are his favorite), rolling over both ways, and sitting up like a pro! His latest thing he finds fun to do is shrieking- even starting that at 6 am. Not so fun for us! This week we are looking forward to Rodney's mom, dad, sister, brother in law and their 3 kids coming for Thanksgiving! We can't wait! We also celebrated today the birth of Colin's cousin, TJ, born to Rodney's brother. More cousins to play with! We have so much to be thankful for this year!

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