Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

7 months old! 12/23- working on tooth #2!
12/24- Thanks for the outfit, Grandma Angie!

Grandma and Grandpa Crowder

Christmas Breakfast!

Good Morning!

The ever so hard to find Baby's First Christmas outfit! Especially in 12 month size! Thanks, Aunt Sarah for finding it!!

This is pretty much how Colin's present opening went- try to rescue the wrapping paper from being eaten!

Poor child- he didn't get anything for Christmas, did he? ;)

Just some of Colin's gifts- thanks everyone for your generosity for Colin's first Christmas!

A stuffed donkey from my Uncle Farel and Aunt Judy

My Uncle Farel and Aunt Judy- from Oregon but now live where the road takes them in their RV! Thankfully that takes them to Arizona for most of the winter and they can spend the day with us!

Merry Christmas from the Verners! Rodney, Lizzy, Colin, Samson and Delilah!!
Well, I just wrote this whole big thing and went to add pictures and the text all went away! We have had a wonderful week- Christmas shopping season over for Rodney, all preparation done on time for Lizzy, Colin turned 7 months old and is working on a second tooth, and my parents had a safe drive out from Missouri. We had a great Christmas and Colin really has been enjoying his time with visitors! We had a great Christmas Eve service last night at Summit all together as a family and some yummy Orchard Farm sausage after church. Today we were all up early, had breakfast and did our gifts while Colin took his morning nap. He did his gifts when he woke up and wanted to eat the wrapping and boxes of course! It would help if he could actually play with anything instead of them all being tied up so tight in boxes! He had fun with them later. Uncle Farel and Aunt Judy could join us again this year and we had a great visit and dinner together. We're all tired and will look forward to resting tomorrow. We hope you had a wonderful CHRISTmas!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

December already?

Aww...winter pj's! (I couldn't get him to turn around!)

His favorite mode of transportation- rolling.

Um, Colin, you hit the pole!

How can it be December already!? Didn't I just have a baby??? Oh wait, that was 6 months ago! My, how time flies! Things are fine in the Verner household. Rodney's working very hard to have a great Christmas at the store. We're having fun at the house just doing normal things- I'm cleaning and Colin's teething. Yes, that first tooth is popping through! So far he hasn't been too cranky or anything. Colin is doing well. Still so big, but that's ok with us! He did have a stomach virus last week that really shocked us. I had a bag ready because I thought for sure we were going to end up in the hospital again because his temperature was 105! But, it went down pretty quickly and we just had to work on fluids and keeping that temp down. A few days later and he was back to normal. We spend a lot of time playng on the floor these days and Colin sits up for a long time and rolls around all over. Colin is copying noises a lot, including the animal sounds he hears when we play "Farmville" on facebook. As I'm writing this he is in his crib saying "mama". I don't know if he really is asking for me or if he's just babbling, but he says that a lot. If we tell him to say "Da-da" he will get the "a" part! Oh well, we'll keep working on that! We're getting in the Christmas spirit here. House decorations are up inside and we're looking foraward to Christmas so much! Mom and Dad will be here in less than two weeks as well. We can't wait!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving part 2!

Glendale does Glitter!

Rodney, Grandpa Danny and the babies

Cousins playing!

What a wonderful weekend! We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well. We had such a great time with the family! Friday, Andrea and I left the babies with Grandma Angie and did a little shopping. Saturday didn't start out so great. Rodney left for work only to find Andrea and Ryan's car was broken into right in front of our house. Luckily, the thief was stupid- taking only the GPS (which they can't use- they ripped the power cord out of the charging part!) and leaving a lot of other stuff behind. The police came quickly and the glass was replaced by a mobile service by noon. All was well again! Last night we went to Glendale Glitters and had fun just walking around and seeing the lights and spending some nice family time together. Everyone left today after church which makes the house seem strange and empty now. Tomorrow is back to normal, except with lots of laundry involved!

Friday, November 27, 2009


Cousins! Addison (4 months), Colin, and Bella

Brandon and Colin

Uncle Ryan and Colin

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! We have so much to be thankful for, not just on this day, but always! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Probably the least stressful one for me yet! Nothing fancy this year, but it also helped out so much that I wasn't working and could do a little bit at a time beforehand. We've had a great time so far with Rodney's parents, his sister, brother-in-law and their 3 kids here. Colin likes having his cousins around! Enjoy some pictures from our gathering! Colin also did great at his doctor appointment on Wednesday. He got 5 vaccines/flu shots all together and didn't even cry until the 3rd one, and it didn't last long! He must have high pain tolerance! He is officially 28.5 inches and 21 lbs. 11.5 oz. That's right- bring on those 12 month clothes! :) We hope you all had a wonderful day with family and friends!

Monday, November 23, 2009

6 months old!

Happy after a bottle and ready for bed
11/23- 6 months old!

Super Frog!

Ready for church

I can't believe Colin is 6 months old! Half a year has already gone by since his arrival! Amazing. I thought Colin's 6 month appointment at the doctor was today, but it's Wednesday (oops!) so I'll have to post his height/weight stats later. But, according to our home measurements he's 28 1/2 inches long and weighs over 22 lbs. A big boy! He's doing great though- eating like a champ (peas are his favorite), rolling over both ways, and sitting up like a pro! His latest thing he finds fun to do is shrieking- even starting that at 6 am. Not so fun for us! This week we are looking forward to Rodney's mom, dad, sister, brother in law and their 3 kids coming for Thanksgiving! We can't wait! We also celebrated today the birth of Colin's cousin, TJ, born to Rodney's brother. More cousins to play with! We have so much to be thankful for this year!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

November already?

Colin helping Daddy read his cards.

No, I want the ribbon! Sitting up!!
He can even turn around without falling over!

Dee Dee just had to come investigate the camera!

I can't believe it! It's November already! How did that happen?? We've been keeping busy in the Verner household. Rodney turned 32 on the 9th and we had a great day with family and friends. Colin helped Rodney open his present- mostly just by trying to eat the ribbon and wrapping paper! I've been busy at home taking care of Colin and making him baby food. The freezer is well stocked so far with acorn squash, butternut squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, apples, pears and bananas! I think he's good on food for a while! We do get out occasionally still. Colin is doing great. I think teething is coming soon, but the major accomplishment has been sitting up on his own. He still teeters over every so often but he's getting better! We are now in "holiday mode"- thinking of Thanksgiving and Christmas! We can't wait for Rodney's family to be here- just a week and a half before they come! Before we know it will be Christmas already. My how the time flies!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

5 Months Old!

Ooh...I want it!
Not successful!!

Colin is officially five months old! We didn't do anything special, just a normal day at home. I took pictures, of course! Colin's doing well the past couple of days eating his cereal and he's getting a little better at trying to sit up. He's starting to get defiant too! The other day Rodney turned him away from something and Colin craned his head around to look at it again. When Rodney wouldn't let him, Colin started fussing at Rodney! Ah, so it begins! Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bouncy Colin

Earlier this week we bought Colin a jumparoo! Needless to say we had no idea he would enjoy it so much! He loves to bounce while giving us a big cheesy (gumy) smile. This video is his first time in the jumparoo. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

More pictures

10/2- before trying rice cereal for the first time- he was over hungry and kind of tired, not the best time to try something new!
Grandma and Grandpa Crowder

Grandpa with his grandsons- Brendan and Colin

Snuggling with Grandma

Relaxing with Grandpa