Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Colin's Baptism

Sunday was a special day for our family- Colin's Baptism! He was baptized at Summit Community Church in Buckeye, AZ by Pastor Nate Schaus. We were so blessed to have so many family and friends at church and over to our house later to celebrate- especially his Godparents- Rodney's sister, Andrea, and my brother, Jason. It was so great to have had the families come from Missouri and Las Vegas for this special day. We had about 25 people at the house for lunch after, so Colin had plenty of people to hold him! It was fun to see all of his little cousins (ages 2, 3, 5, and 7) so eager to help take care of him and feed him and burp him! Colin's Aunt Sarah who is a photographer (http://www.crowderphotos.com/) also spent a lot of time taking great pictures of Colin this weekend. These are just a few edited pictures that she took. Thanks everyone for the wonderful time together!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

1 Month Old!

I can't believe that Colin is one month old already! My how time flies! The days even seem to go by fast. I understand now when everyone says to enjoy these days when he is so little- they'll be gone before you know it! Colin continues to do well- he's 9 lbs. 5.5 oz! (I should correct my last post- he was 8 lbs. 13 oz, not 3 oz!) He's 22.5 inches as well, so he's getting bigger! His feet have also almost outgrown the space in his footed pajamas! He's holding his head up really well. All is good! Rodney and I continue to adjust, but I think we're getting the hang of things. We left Colin with our friend Sheree to go out on the 19th to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. We had a wonderful night, even though we talked about Colin for a lot of it! Rodney was also excited to celebrate his first Father's Day. Colin gave him a travel coffee mug with pictres of him and his daddy on it. This weekend is Colin's baptism and we're so excited for this event, and to have our families in town! Jason and his family from Missouri and Rodney's family from Las Vegas will be here. Here are some pictures of Colin this week. I love that he sleeps with his toes spread out and he eats with one set of toes spread and the other set of toes clenched together! :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

3 weeks

Colin is growing! Thank God! We had some issues with his weight - he didn't gain anything for about a week and a half. But, we've worked on getting him feeding better and he's up to 8 lbs. 3 oz. by now! We've adjusted more to being at home and getting into those routines. Unfortunately, my mom had to go home early to take care of my dad who broke his thigh bone. (He's recovering well- he came home today!) We were blessed by many kind people at church with meals and things so that helped out tremendously! We also went to church for the first time this Sunday. It was nice to be back and to see everyone. This Monday I went back to my old office and we had a nice visit with Phyllis and everyone else there. We're so looking forward to next week when the family and some friends will be coming in for Colin's baptism on the 28th!