Wednesday, June 17, 2009

3 weeks

Colin is growing! Thank God! We had some issues with his weight - he didn't gain anything for about a week and a half. But, we've worked on getting him feeding better and he's up to 8 lbs. 3 oz. by now! We've adjusted more to being at home and getting into those routines. Unfortunately, my mom had to go home early to take care of my dad who broke his thigh bone. (He's recovering well- he came home today!) We were blessed by many kind people at church with meals and things so that helped out tremendously! We also went to church for the first time this Sunday. It was nice to be back and to see everyone. This Monday I went back to my old office and we had a nice visit with Phyllis and everyone else there. We're so looking forward to next week when the family and some friends will be coming in for Colin's baptism on the 28th!

1 comment:

Rachaellh said...

I loved seeing the new pictures of Colin. He is so cute. Please give him a kiss from all of us in Abilene!