Saturday, October 3, 2009

Colin at 4 months and MO Trip!

Colin's cute outfit (that also looks just like something Rodney would wear!)
Aunt Peggy holding Colin and Mom peeling apples for pie.

Apple picking success- and one tired baby!

9/15- trying out the new high chair!

Well, Colin is officially 4 months old now, and we made our first airplane trip to Missouri! Everything was great! First- Colin at 4 mos. now weighs 19 lbs 4 oz and is 28" long! They said he is "off the chart" in length! Colin had a low fever today from his shots I think, but otherwise he seems ok. Colin has a flat spot on his head so we are doing a lot of tummy time and trying to sit up more to round that out! The changes he makes every day continues to amaze us. He has grown a lot more hair recently, is pulling at his legs and feet more, rolls on his side and smiles and giggles more every day. He's also become interested in whatever comes near our mouths- cups, cell phones, etc. so we have to be careful! He is also trying out rice cereal. So far he doesn't enjoy it much and hasn't eaten a whole lot of it, but we'll keep trying. He did great on our trip to MO, especially on the plane! He ended up sleeping through most of it on the way there and back. We visited a lot of family and friends while we were there, but there is never enough time to see everyone, or even enough time to spend with the people we do get to see. We didn't go out and do much this trip other than going apple picking- yum! Hope you enjoy these pictures!

1 comment:

Rachaellh said...

I can't believe how tall Colin is! He is truly growing like a weed. Loved the new pictures and can't wait to see more.