Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Pat's!

Well, no big celebrating St. Patrick's Day here. We did wear green- two days in a row! Colin and I were really busy today- running errands, taking Dee Dee to the vet and taking Rodney to work. Colin is all over the place these days. I don't get much done during his awake hours! He's not crawling- yet. He's still rolling, but I think that means he can just get to where he wants faster. He gets up on all fours to crawl really easily now so I'm sure it's not that far behind. He's after everything- the vertical blinds on the back door that are fabric, the baskets on the coffee table, dog toys, opening entertainment center drawers, etc. We think he's going through a growth spurt too. I fed him 6 times today- up from 4 feedings in the past. He kept waking up early from naps obviously still tired. We tried giving him a sizable snack before naps and that seemed to get him back on track. He's getting really good at the sippy cup without handles and is doing a lot better eating some things on his own. He's also sprouted tooth #3 and one more has a corner out, but seems slower coming in. Nothing too much new with Rodney and I. I'm taking over as the playgroup planner for church and send out the weekly e-mail bulletin for church too. Rodney had his review today at work and it was really good. His store was #35 in the country so that's great! Time for bed here. Enjoy these recent pictures of our boy!

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