Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Nephew TJ (4 mos)

Who needs to stand up to play at the table?? Colin just flips it over!

Cousins playing so nice together!

New fun- pounding on the oven

And we'll flip over the walk 'n ride too

After pounding on the fridge too

April already! Colin is now 10 months old and officially a crawler. He is of course into everything. So much for getting anything done while he's awake! Oh well. He can also wave now when he wants to. That is much better than his little "heil" arm raising when he said hello to someone before! We did go to Vegas last week and had another good trip. I was bad and didn't take hardly any pictures. I'm glad other people took some! Colin had a lot of fun playing with cousin Addison (8 mos). They're stealing toys from each other already, but they also actually played and "talked" to each other too. Grandma Angie said Colin tried to love on Addison by knocking his head into hers. That's how he loves you- knocks his head on yours and then shakes his head on yours. Cousin TJ is still too little to get into the mix, but pretty soon Addison will have two big cousins to contend with! Enjoy these pictures. I'll have more next week after Easter!

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