Monday, May 24, 2010

Colin's 1st Birthday

Our sweet boy turned one yesterday! We definitely feel like we have a toddler now! He's all over the place, and even starting to throw little tantrums when he doesn't get his way. Oh well, all part of growing up. My parents are here visiting and we had a low key party yesterday - just some angel food cake, strawberries and ice cream after dinner. Colin didn't like the cake much- too sticky and spongy feeling I guess. He LOVES the Cardinals bat and ball that was chosen for him especially by cousin Brendan. He likes his Cardinals outfit and bib too, he's just not that interested in clothes right now! Colin is on the move constantly, mostly walking along furniture. He likes to make weird sounds with his lips and he gets his little pointer finger out and "directs" along with music. We'll be going to the Dr. this Wednesday so I'll have stats later in the week. By our calculations he weighs about 25 lbs. and is about 32 inches tall. We're also having a bigger party for him on Saturday. More fun to come!!

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