Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Trying on daddy's shoes (7/6/11)
His new favorite high chair position
One of his favorite things to do is climb in a bed say "ni-night" and fake snore!
Before mom and dad left we went to a local farm for their family fun day. Lots of farm animals and fun things like a train ride and bounce house! A rooster crowed and startled Colin so much he jumped! It was really funny!

Well, we're in full summer mode here in Arizona. That means trying to stay cool! We've had our share of days over 115 already. You may have seen on the news last night we were blessed with a giant dust storm as well. Just life in a desert! We spend our time trying to find ways to stay cool! Unfortunately, that means a lot of time indoors. It's too hot even in the morning to go outside, at least for very long. We're staying busy too. Rodney is always busy at the store, but he still has plenty of time to spend with us. He even went with our pastor and worship director from church to a church planter's conference in Texas. In August he will be going to Michigan for a large manager's conference for work. I'm staying busy at home and doing things for church. I was in charge of VBS registration this year so that kept me busy in June. I was also a group leader for 3rd graders during VBS week. It was so much fun, and our small church had almost 190 kids involved! Amazing! Other than that I'm trying to find things for or playgroup to do that are low cost and keep us cool! I've started putting my new mixer to good use- making bread! Whole wheat loaves are in the oven now, and I've made pizza crust too. It turns out so much better than kneading by hand! Now, the member of our family you really want to know about- Colin! He's in typical toddler mode- go, go, go along with his share of testing for mom and dad! He keeps getting taller and learning new things. He knows the color blue, likes counting even into the teens, and gets excited about the alphabet. He still calls most letters the wrong ones, but at least he recognizes that they are letters. I think it's pretty good for a new 2 year old! He's getting better at picking up after himself and he will put dishes in the sink without being asked. He loves to say "please" and "thank you", and often won't stop saying "thank you" until you respond with a "you're welcome"! Of course he's not polite all the time and we're still working on the hitting and pinching when he gets upset, but some days he does pretty well. He's taking swim lessons from our great instructor, Margy, who goes to our church. It's a parent/tot class along with a lot of people from church so it's fun for him to be with his little friends. He's also enrolled in the library reading program. I know, for babies? Yes! They let babies and toddlers participate too! So we read his books and he loves to put stickers on his chart and turn them in for prizes. So, that's about it from here for now! Hope everyone else is having a great summer!!!

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