Sunday, August 7, 2011

The ABC's

Colin's Mr. Potato Head masterpiece- our floor is usually cluttered with body parts
I don't know what's up with his wrinkly-nosed smiles!
My boys and their technology...
The only picture I took in Las Vegas (oops!) - my little Cardinal fan!
FINALLY!!! He ate spaghetti WITH tomato sauce on it! He's holding it up asking his favorite question- "What's that?"
Nothing much new here in the Verner houshold except the ABC's! Colin loves letters! He sometimes mixes in letters and numbers together when he is "reading" something. But, it's great to see that it's all sinking in! He especially likes his laptop lately and presses the button to cycle through the songs until it gets to the Alphabet song and he dances to it, and sometimes sings along! He knows some letters by sight- F, O, S, and he will say the sounds of M and T when he sees them. He wants to read almost every word he comes across asking you letter by letter "what's that?" We practice letters and numbers on the magna doodle a lot and he's so happy to go through them all. He is also saying a few more words and we can tell he's repeating more of the things we say. He's added a few words lik yellow to his colors and says "pippo" (hippo), box, and a few others.
We had another busy trip to Vegas to see Rodney's family in July. It's great to have the cousins all together to play. We love being around family period! We took Colin to see his first movie while we were there- "Winnie the Pooh". He sat there very quietly the whole time until the balloon came on the screen- "BOON! It's a boon! (balloon)" Very cute!

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