Sunday, October 9, 2011

Yay! Fall! Well...almost!

"Weady!" Well, first he taps the bat on the ground "one, two, three" then "weady" (ready) when he's going in for a hit.

Reading his books in the clothes basket while I do dishes. He'll try to read some out loud by himself. He does a great job reading "Chicka Chicka A, B, C." He is also saying "foot" when he puts his feet into the basket. That's one of his new words, along with "arm" and "hand."

Snack time with Daddy. He also now says "Daddy" again! Sometimes he may say "mama" first, but then corrects himself and says "Daddy." I'm still just "Mama" or "Mom Mom" or just "Mom."
Daddy took Colin to our park one morning while I was out. He doesn't need as much help as he used to getting up on things!
Playing with Mr. Potato Head's glasses
Such a beautiful boy! :)
Helping Daddy wash the car

October is finally here! Yay! So far, we've swung from being hot to nice and cool and we're warming up again. However, it is really nice to be able to break out the jeans after months of shorts! It's fun to hear Colin in his pants...literally! He has some nylon pants and you can hear them swishing really quickly as he trots through the house. That also means it has been cool enough to go back outside! We've been to the park and play in the backyard, and have had the doors and windows open. It's so great! Nothing else much going on here. Rodney's busy with Christmas - yes, already! (Go get your Christmas cards now! Haha!) I'm just keeping up with Colin here at home. He's doing fine- growing taller, still trying to battle the hitting, but saying more words. He has his sweet moments too, like when he just comes up to give you a kiss, or tries to help you out with something. His new favorite is playing "Just Dance" with us. He gets to hold a Wii remote and he dances around a little bit. He still loves his letters and wants to read and read...the same books...over and over! That's ok, we're happy to oblige! Enjoy the pictures of our little man!

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