Thursday, November 17, 2011


Playing on the parachute at The Little Gym
Happy Birthday, Rodey! #34!
Our Buzz Lightyear!
Colin and Rodney playing a video game
Some friends invited us over to watch the last game of the World Series, so I made these cookies to take over there.
Well, we've reached November, and it's finally nice enough to open windows and doors! Yay! I know, most people are getting freezing weather and snow already, but definately not here. We are loving it- and actually being able to go outside without burning up! We've been enjoying our fall so far. We went to Las Vegas the middle of October to see Rodney's family. It was such a nice visit! We're looking forward to having Andrea's family here next week for Thanksgiving too. Rodney has been working so, so hard at the store. He had some of the big bosses come in this week so he wanted to get everything in the best possible shape. He seems to have accomplished that! Rodney is also very excited about some good interviews he's had with people at Macy's. Please pray that something will happen through these interviews and tha it may be a good fit for our family if a new job does open up there for Rodney. I started working too- sort of. I started watching a 4 year old boy here at home. So far things have gone well, but due to colds with both boys he's only been here four times over 2 weeks! Oh well, we'll get used to everything and get into the routine here soon. Colin is in full on "terrible two" mode. It's not fun (at all), but he still has his sweet moments. A lot of the problems stem from him wanting to do everything on his own and not getting his way when that doesn't happen. Simple things like turning on a light or getting his socks off can turn into a tantrum really quickly. But, he still wants you to hold him and loves to give you kisses. He's had to adjust quite a bit with sharing his toys with the other boy, but he'll get through it. Two colds haven't been fun either, but are all part of growing up! Colin has been using a lot more words as well which is great! He'll even say "no, thanks" if he doesn't want something. He also has some new favorites "Bzz, Wooy, and Doge" That's Buzz and Woody from Toy Story and Curious George. Grandma Angie even sent Colin some Buzz and Woody pj's! When it's time to take them off we have to say "Bye, Buzz" to get them off without an ordeal! We got a great online deal to The Little Gym and we've gone to two classes so far. He loves it! We love that he doesn't get forced to sit down and listen to directions (because with 2 year olds that's never going to happen) but gets encouraged to join in activities by parents doing it and setting the example for them. So he climbs on everything and then they have different skills and games to play. He has so much fun! So, enjoy these pictures and we'll post some more after Thanksgiving!

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