Wednesday, February 24, 2010

9 Months Old!

Such a happy boy!
The next fabulous new toy- measuring cups!

This is what Colin looks like while he's "dancing". He'll look up and shake his head and body around a little bit.

We love how his hair has grown! And those big brown eyes! :)

Well this is backwards. Start at the last picture and this is a good look at his rolling technique right now.

Nothing new to report really, just some pictures taken 2/23 when Colin turned 9 months old. We went to the doctor today for his check up and he weighs 23 lbs. 14 oz. and is 31 inches long. He's a big boy, but perfectly healthy- praise God! He also seems to continue to work on getting 4 new teeth- the two top front ones and two more on the bottom. He's also entered the phase where he cries when you leave him- even if he's rested, fed, and happy, if you leave he'll cry. Not all the time, but it's a sad thing to see! But, you get him involved in a toy and he's better. So, another milestone passes and we march on toward that 1 year mark!

1 comment:

Matt and Kim said...

Happy 9-month birthday, sweet boy! He's so precious! ;)