Friday, December 16, 2011

2011 Christmas Letter

Greetings Family and Friends!
Congratulations! You've found our blog...and this year's Christmas letter! I thought since I would probably be writing the same things on the blog that I would in the Christmas letter, I would just put everything on here. And, those of you who hadn't visited our blog before can become regular visitors! :) Feel free to browse our older posts for an even more detailed review of our year, but I'll share some highlights with you now.
Rodney is working hard right now, as usual. He's still working for Family Christian Stores, and doing a great job. He went to Grand Rapids, Michigan, this year for a major conference and kind of grand gathering with concerts, speakers, and he came home with lots of neat goodies. When Rodney isn't at work, he is volunteering a lot at church. He is the head of the Spiritual Leadership Team (Elders), works the sound and A/V boards, and teaches Sunday school. Oh, and he was a Zebra in VBS this summer! Don't worry, he still has plenty of time to spend with us! We also love to go to Las Vegas and visit Rodney's family whenever we can.
I started out 2011 with a road trip with Colin and my parents back to Missouri. We loved it- even snow! But, we missed Rodney a lot too! I stay busy here at home keeping everything in working order for my boys. I've been in MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) again this year, and volunteering at church as well. I help out a lot with Children's Ministry teaching and doing some computer work on the side. I always look forward to any time to get together with the church or MOPS ladies without the kids! We're looking forward to my parents coming next week to spend Christmas with us!
And of course, our littlest family member, Colin! He is a busy, busy little boy! Colin is now 2 1/2, but the size of a 4 year old! He definitely keeps us on our toes. He had a great 2nd Birthday with my parents and Rodney's sister's family visiting to help celebrate. He of course has his moments of "terrible twos" but many more times he has that bright smile we love so much. Right now he is doing great on repeating a lot of words. Some new ones include, "awesome!" and "mismis" (Christmas). He is also Mr. Independent. If we move something he wants to do on his own he'll put the object back where it was and move it himself. If you try to help, he'll get angry, but if he asks for the help he's fine. You've got to love the toddler mind! He loves to play outside, especially to swing and slide on the playground. He still loves his letters, and know all the upper and lowercase letters, and is getting better at counting. He loves books and we try to get a fresh supply at the library as often as possible. He loves to laugh at anything silly, loves Buzz Lightyear, and older kids. He's just a joy to have with us every day!
Well, feel free to look around our blog and see all of our photos and entries. We wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a blessed 2012!
Love, The Verner Family

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Playing on the parachute at The Little Gym
Happy Birthday, Rodey! #34!
Our Buzz Lightyear!
Colin and Rodney playing a video game
Some friends invited us over to watch the last game of the World Series, so I made these cookies to take over there.
Well, we've reached November, and it's finally nice enough to open windows and doors! Yay! I know, most people are getting freezing weather and snow already, but definately not here. We are loving it- and actually being able to go outside without burning up! We've been enjoying our fall so far. We went to Las Vegas the middle of October to see Rodney's family. It was such a nice visit! We're looking forward to having Andrea's family here next week for Thanksgiving too. Rodney has been working so, so hard at the store. He had some of the big bosses come in this week so he wanted to get everything in the best possible shape. He seems to have accomplished that! Rodney is also very excited about some good interviews he's had with people at Macy's. Please pray that something will happen through these interviews and tha it may be a good fit for our family if a new job does open up there for Rodney. I started working too- sort of. I started watching a 4 year old boy here at home. So far things have gone well, but due to colds with both boys he's only been here four times over 2 weeks! Oh well, we'll get used to everything and get into the routine here soon. Colin is in full on "terrible two" mode. It's not fun (at all), but he still has his sweet moments. A lot of the problems stem from him wanting to do everything on his own and not getting his way when that doesn't happen. Simple things like turning on a light or getting his socks off can turn into a tantrum really quickly. But, he still wants you to hold him and loves to give you kisses. He's had to adjust quite a bit with sharing his toys with the other boy, but he'll get through it. Two colds haven't been fun either, but are all part of growing up! Colin has been using a lot more words as well which is great! He'll even say "no, thanks" if he doesn't want something. He also has some new favorites "Bzz, Wooy, and Doge" That's Buzz and Woody from Toy Story and Curious George. Grandma Angie even sent Colin some Buzz and Woody pj's! When it's time to take them off we have to say "Bye, Buzz" to get them off without an ordeal! We got a great online deal to The Little Gym and we've gone to two classes so far. He loves it! We love that he doesn't get forced to sit down and listen to directions (because with 2 year olds that's never going to happen) but gets encouraged to join in activities by parents doing it and setting the example for them. So he climbs on everything and then they have different skills and games to play. He has so much fun! So, enjoy these pictures and we'll post some more after Thanksgiving!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Yay! Fall! Well...almost!

"Weady!" Well, first he taps the bat on the ground "one, two, three" then "weady" (ready) when he's going in for a hit.

Reading his books in the clothes basket while I do dishes. He'll try to read some out loud by himself. He does a great job reading "Chicka Chicka A, B, C." He is also saying "foot" when he puts his feet into the basket. That's one of his new words, along with "arm" and "hand."

Snack time with Daddy. He also now says "Daddy" again! Sometimes he may say "mama" first, but then corrects himself and says "Daddy." I'm still just "Mama" or "Mom Mom" or just "Mom."
Daddy took Colin to our park one morning while I was out. He doesn't need as much help as he used to getting up on things!
Playing with Mr. Potato Head's glasses
Such a beautiful boy! :)
Helping Daddy wash the car

October is finally here! Yay! So far, we've swung from being hot to nice and cool and we're warming up again. However, it is really nice to be able to break out the jeans after months of shorts! It's fun to hear Colin in his pants...literally! He has some nylon pants and you can hear them swishing really quickly as he trots through the house. That also means it has been cool enough to go back outside! We've been to the park and play in the backyard, and have had the doors and windows open. It's so great! Nothing else much going on here. Rodney's busy with Christmas - yes, already! (Go get your Christmas cards now! Haha!) I'm just keeping up with Colin here at home. He's doing fine- growing taller, still trying to battle the hitting, but saying more words. He has his sweet moments too, like when he just comes up to give you a kiss, or tries to help you out with something. His new favorite is playing "Just Dance" with us. He gets to hold a Wii remote and he dances around a little bit. He still loves his letters and wants to read and read...the same books...over and over! That's ok, we're happy to oblige! Enjoy the pictures of our little man!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

End of Summer

Trying on fall clothes he'll be able to wear in a few months. What size? 4T top and 3T bottom! They're not that big!! Reminder- Colin is 27 months old!!!
Boxes are still always fun.
Look who's eating at the table! This "booster seat" is a fabric cover a friend at church makes. It works great!

Snack time!
Well, Labor Day has come and gone, so now it's "fall", right? Well, some of you may be having fall- cooler temperatures, school starting, etc...but not here yet! We were all excited that it was only 104 yesterday! Oh well, that's life here in Arizona. We'll be able to at least wear pants in a couple months! ;) Not too much happening here with the family- just life as usual! Rodney's working hard, of course. His project at work this morning- putting up the Christmas card display! On September 6!!! It has to start sometime, right? We're very excited that Rodney has hired a new assistant manager and she will be starting in a couple of weeks. Rodney will get the much needed help he needs for the store right before the busy holiday season. He is busy at church as well, helping with sound, AV, spiritual leadership team, and even teaching Sunday school! He likes to get a break relaxing at home and playing Wii again lately.
I'm gearing up for a busy fall. MOPS begins this week, and growth groups (small group Bible study) starts next week. Thank goodness we get to go out of the house! I think Colin and I are both ready for some time apart! He'll get to go play with his friends at MOPS twice a month and I'll be doing a women's growth group on Monday evenings. Rodney and I are also doing a family Bible study on Saturday nights. It's going to be great having places to go again! It's been so hot Colin and I are cooped up in the house a lot and there aren't too many summer activities. It will be a great fall filled with lots of fun!
At this very moment I have the littlest member of our family on my lap. Colin was just telling me I had a hat (I don't) and then proceeded to mess up my hair in front of my eyes- a new favorite activity for him. "Hat" is one of his new favorite words, as are the 20+ letters of the alphabet he knows! Everywhere we go he's reading signs and things- "Y-M-C-A", "F-A-M-I-L-Y", "S-U-M-M-I-T". Letters that give him trouble are ones like G, K, and R. His other favorite has been magnets. He has his own assortment that he plays with on the fridge. He has been doing great in the nursery on Sundays, even when he has to go for both services when we're volunteering. Hopefully he keeps that good behavior up in MOPS this week! We just had a great visit with Rodney's sister and her family who came for Labor Day weekend. Colin had so much fun with his cousins, Addison and Bella. Colin always loves older kids so he loved playing with Bella (5) the most. He would hold her hand everywhere and laugh at her and try to wrestle with her (not so much fun for Bella!) All three held hands out to the car one day and there were hugs and "bye's" all around. It was so cute, but no camera around! Bummer! Oh well, we can remember all those sweet moments.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

A few new pics

Rodney went to a conference for work in Grand Rapids, MI for 4 days. He came home with a lot of books, CD's, t-shirts, etc. from the conference, but this was Colin's souvenir from his trip- thanks to many hours spent in the Detroit airport!
Taking a ride on Daddy
The right place for pictures, apparently, IN the fridge, not ON it! He is loving magnets right now and also stickers. He takes these on and off the fridge a lot.
I like taking pictures of Colin when he doesn't know that I am. I was in the kitchen and zoomed in while he was playing legos.
Reading with Daddy
Nothing much new here, just wanted to put up some new pictures. Colin got a lot of new books from the library and so he's all excited about them. He is also repeating a lot more- but only when Daddy is reading the books! He doesn't do it as much if I read them with him! He is now repeating more colors, letters (he knows about 18 letters) and even said "Grandma" (more like bama) a few times! So, we're getting there! Enjoy these pictures!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The ABC's

Colin's Mr. Potato Head masterpiece- our floor is usually cluttered with body parts
I don't know what's up with his wrinkly-nosed smiles!
My boys and their technology...
The only picture I took in Las Vegas (oops!) - my little Cardinal fan!
FINALLY!!! He ate spaghetti WITH tomato sauce on it! He's holding it up asking his favorite question- "What's that?"
Nothing much new here in the Verner houshold except the ABC's! Colin loves letters! He sometimes mixes in letters and numbers together when he is "reading" something. But, it's great to see that it's all sinking in! He especially likes his laptop lately and presses the button to cycle through the songs until it gets to the Alphabet song and he dances to it, and sometimes sings along! He knows some letters by sight- F, O, S, and he will say the sounds of M and T when he sees them. He wants to read almost every word he comes across asking you letter by letter "what's that?" We practice letters and numbers on the magna doodle a lot and he's so happy to go through them all. He is also saying a few more words and we can tell he's repeating more of the things we say. He's added a few words lik yellow to his colors and says "pippo" (hippo), box, and a few others.
We had another busy trip to Vegas to see Rodney's family in July. It's great to have the cousins all together to play. We love being around family period! We took Colin to see his first movie while we were there- "Winnie the Pooh". He sat there very quietly the whole time until the balloon came on the screen- "BOON! It's a boon! (balloon)" Very cute!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Trying on daddy's shoes (7/6/11)
His new favorite high chair position
One of his favorite things to do is climb in a bed say "ni-night" and fake snore!
Before mom and dad left we went to a local farm for their family fun day. Lots of farm animals and fun things like a train ride and bounce house! A rooster crowed and startled Colin so much he jumped! It was really funny!

Well, we're in full summer mode here in Arizona. That means trying to stay cool! We've had our share of days over 115 already. You may have seen on the news last night we were blessed with a giant dust storm as well. Just life in a desert! We spend our time trying to find ways to stay cool! Unfortunately, that means a lot of time indoors. It's too hot even in the morning to go outside, at least for very long. We're staying busy too. Rodney is always busy at the store, but he still has plenty of time to spend with us. He even went with our pastor and worship director from church to a church planter's conference in Texas. In August he will be going to Michigan for a large manager's conference for work. I'm staying busy at home and doing things for church. I was in charge of VBS registration this year so that kept me busy in June. I was also a group leader for 3rd graders during VBS week. It was so much fun, and our small church had almost 190 kids involved! Amazing! Other than that I'm trying to find things for or playgroup to do that are low cost and keep us cool! I've started putting my new mixer to good use- making bread! Whole wheat loaves are in the oven now, and I've made pizza crust too. It turns out so much better than kneading by hand! Now, the member of our family you really want to know about- Colin! He's in typical toddler mode- go, go, go along with his share of testing for mom and dad! He keeps getting taller and learning new things. He knows the color blue, likes counting even into the teens, and gets excited about the alphabet. He still calls most letters the wrong ones, but at least he recognizes that they are letters. I think it's pretty good for a new 2 year old! He's getting better at picking up after himself and he will put dishes in the sink without being asked. He loves to say "please" and "thank you", and often won't stop saying "thank you" until you respond with a "you're welcome"! Of course he's not polite all the time and we're still working on the hitting and pinching when he gets upset, but some days he does pretty well. He's taking swim lessons from our great instructor, Margy, who goes to our church. It's a parent/tot class along with a lot of people from church so it's fun for him to be with his little friends. He's also enrolled in the library reading program. I know, for babies? Yes! They let babies and toddlers participate too! So we read his books and he loves to put stickers on his chart and turn them in for prizes. So, that's about it from here for now! Hope everyone else is having a great summer!!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Colin turns 2!



Singing Happy Birthday

Our little family (Colin really wanted cake!)

Colin opening gifts with his friend Grant. Colin will still open things one little piece of paper at a time and lay them down on the ground.

Addy "helping" open legos from Grandpa Danny and Grandma Angie

LOTS of balloons!

A new favorite activity! Rides on Grandpa!


This is so much fun!

Oooo! Grandma and Grandpa got Colin a flashlight- just like on Kipper!

This great frog chair is from Grandpa Danny and Grandma Angie too! Thanks so much!

Hanging out with Grandpa and watching Kipper

I love books!

Snacking with all his "tools"- his cup and a stuffed toy

No crib anymore! :(

I can't believe it- my baby is 2 already! How on earth did that happen!? Our little baby is now a stout little boy. His 2 year appointment was no surprise- still above the 95th percentile in all areas. He weighs 34 pounds and is 37 1/2 inches tall! He's now in his toddler bed and did pretty well transitioning from the crib. He does wake up a little earlier- 5 am! But, we are greeted with a cheerful little boy in the morning knocking on our door. He comes along with his favorite things- his giraffe and books! All of his favorites start with "B"- books, balloons and balls. He also loves playing outside and drawing. Of course, he has his "terrible two" moments, often still in the form of pinching, hitting or pushing. But he is also very sweet, coming up behind us and giving us hugs and giving out plenty of kisses!

We were blessed this year with visits from Grandma and Grandpa Crowder and Aunt Andrea, Uncle Ryan and cousins Bella and Addison to help celebrate Colin's birthday! On Colin's actual birthday we just had a family dinner at home with Grandma and Grandpa. Unfortunately, Colin didn't get to sample any of his angel food cake we made for him- he wouldn't eat his dinner like we told him to! (We're such mean parents! Haha!) But, he tried it the next night and he didn't like the texture! Oh well. We had a party on Saturday once everyone else was here and also some friends from church who have 3 boys Colin loves to play with. All the kids had a lot of fun playing. Colin loved his gifts and has had so much fun playing with them all! Thanks, everyone for your generosity! We loved having everyone in town to help us celebrate!